Author Archives: Tammy


Becoming Self-Directed Learners
in Instruction

Becoming Self-Directed Learners

Rather than the more traditional approach of planning how a lesson can be differentiated based upon student need, UDL is a set of principles for curriculum development that gives all individuals equal opportunities to learn.

November 03, 2017
Just Say Yes
in Books, Innovation

Just Say Yes

I want to be a leader who encourages - rather than discourages - innovation. That means that the culture of our school has to be safe for all of us to take risks and make...

October 14, 2017
In Others' Words
in Innovation

In Others’ Words

Why is innovation in education so crucial today? I thought it would be interesting to synthesize my reading from the book with what others have to say about innovation's role not only in education but...

September 30, 2017
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