Author Archives: Tammy


Hands-on Holidays
in Uncategorized

Hands-on Holidays

As a twist on the usual holiday performances, our music teachers invited third grade students and their parents to herald in the holidays with hands-on activities. Favorite standards and new songs were included. My favorite part...

December 12, 2016
Meaningful Design
in Global Perspective

Meaningful Design

Our elementary art teachers are masterful at engaging students in expressing themselves through thoughtful and meaningful work. One example of this is a project that our fifth graders are working on.

November 17, 2016
Stopping for Exit Tickets
in Assessment, Professional Growth

Stopping for Exit Tickets

During our professional learning week before school began in August, Tom Schimmer led several sessions on assessment. He stretched my thinking around how assessment is used for learning, and that everything is assessment!

October 30, 2016
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