Author Archives: Tammy


Developing Thinkers
in Books, Professional Growth, Thinking

Developing Thinkers

How do we deepen students’ thinking? And by deepening their thinking, also deepen their understanding? A group of elementary teachers are exploring these ideas through the shared experience of taking the Harvard Graduate School of Education online...

October 21, 2016
Imagine. Innovate. Inspire.
in Creativity, Ed Tech, Inquiry

Imagine. Innovate. Inspire.

We encourage traits such as creativity and grit. We incorporate themes of STEM and inquiry-based learning. We develop thinkers and leaders. All of these actions support one of the most important responsibilities we have as...

October 10, 2016
Powerful Words
in Instruction, Professional Growth

Powerful Words

“…teacher language rests on a deep abiding faith in the goodness in children, a belief in their desire and ability to learn.” From The Power of Our Words We’ve been sharing skills, strategies and content...

October 06, 2016
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