Author Archives: Tammy


Can't Stop the Feeling
in School Culture

Can’t Stop the Feeling

We created a new video to share with our elementary school community at our recent Back to School Night. One of our counselors has a passion for video, and he did the filming and editing. And I...

September 21, 2016
Ideas and Dreams
in Books, School Culture

Ideas and Dreams

At the beginning of every academic year, I visit homeroom classes. I take the opportunity to introduce myself to those who might not know me, share a favorite book (or two), and learn more about...

September 15, 2016
Sticking to the Plan
in Goal setting

Sticking to the Plan

I admit it. I’m a stationery enthusiast. I love pencils and pens. I love paper and Post-its. Binder clips, folders, desktop organizers… love ’em all. Visiting an office supply store? It’s like a mini-vacation. And...

July 27, 2016
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